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Sweden: IORE + T46-GPC + Dm3 "modern" + Fammoorr050

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newS    1

IORE + T46-GPC + Dm3 "modern" + Fammoorr050



This is donationware.


Please send me a donation (at least 10 Euro) and I send you the download-link by eMail.


The Kiruna route comes later as freeware ...



If you didn't get an answer after you have send me the donation, then look at your spam-folder or send me at this forum a pm.



Please go to my homepage and press the donate button:





Attention !


Please enter your donation amount.

Purpose: "IORE"








- IORE loco: 101 up to 120 old design


- IORE loco: 121 up to 134 new design


- T46-GPC (low poly)


- Fammoorr050 iron ore wagon


- Dm3 loco - "Josefina"


- Dm3 loco - "Bruno"



(not compatible with "Kuju Rail Simulator")






known bugs:



- IORE cab are not animated in this version. It comes later...


You must drive with your Keyboard/Joystick/Raildriver or the HUD.






click on the images to enlarge:






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Beluxtrains    1,346

Ce que Swen veut juste préciser, c'est que si on lui fait une donation pour ce pack, il faut bien préciser "IORE" car il propose aussi un autre pack de locos en donation.

Edited by Beluxtrains

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JLD95    334

The Kiruna route needs to load many freeware assets or they are included into a single directory asset provided with this route?

Edited by JLD95

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cc72077    413

Dites j'ai dû abusé du Punch ce soir, une donation, pour moi c'est gratuit, voir son notaire, donc une donation payante, je pense que c'est du pti commerce non !

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one1504    236

Un donationware veut dire que l'auteur demande une contribution minimale (Pour newS c'est son cas 10€) pour son travail, après on est libre de donner plus :)


En gros on fait un don minimum pour obtenir son travail, c'est le principe.

Edited by one1504

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Gandalf    2,183

Sorry but sending at first money to get the download link is absolutely NOT donationware, it IS payware...

I don't discuss wether what you propose is worth $10 or not, it is probably, but this is a commercial advertisement thread then, don't use the term "donation"....


1) donation is made after trying the software

2) is made to an organization, for example a NGO, not to the author



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