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Found 3 results

  1. Swiss route(s) around Berne, Fribourg, Neuchâtel, Bienne Hi, some news (Edit1): Edit1: The sections and also the "mother"-Route are online. The main feature of the new route sections are the new corrected speed limits. The "mother"-Route called now <<Bern Fribourg (since 2016)>> has at some parts a little bit slower speed limits (slower/wrong), because i didn't know by the time of building. To the overhead-wires: The big stations still have no overhead-wires, only exception is Neuchâtel. In the new route sections Berne have a Kuju-BerlinTracks wire (the freeware-pack of BerlinTracks is in the Assets-Pack). Berne in the big mother-route have no overhead-wires at all. There was a wrong double RouteTemplate in the Assets-Pack, but now should all be ok. So you need to download: the Route the Assets-Pack the Hotfix (the Assets-Pack and the Hotfix can overwrite each other there is no problem) (but overwrite please the Routes by the Hotfix for sure) all the freeware Assets from the Links, they begin here: https://trainestates.jimdofree.com/bern-fribourg-2016/be-fr-links/ (Overwrite the Assets by the Assets-Pack when you have all freeware and payware Assets installed) you can download as well: Streckentabellen RADN / "distance tables" and some official SBB Fahrpläne / timetables Link: https://trainestates.jimdofree.com/bern-fribourg-neuenburg-biel/ The routes have quick drives (no AI) FMZS 01.03.2020 (End of edited text) From now on you can download the first piece/extraction of the bigger Route from 2016. It is the route "Bern to Neuchâtel". Download: Bern - Neuchâtel Beta v.1.01 Inhalt neu/Content new/Contenu nouveau: Realistic speeds Catenary Scenery Scenery objects Two quick drives (without AI) Track updates are planned The "mother" Route Bern - Fribourg (2016)(with Neuchâtel Biel/Bienne and Burgdorf) had have no overhead wires in stations and the speed limits were most too slow than in real life, btw now i have all speed limits from the SBB net. And the game crashes easely with some AI in Berne cause the track net is too big there with all things. Here memory test: Performance comparison with vT route Berlin - Leipzig The installation is drag and drop. In Bern is mostly the overhead wire of BerlinTrains. Since the site is no longer available, I have done the freeware version of the Berlin Tracks in the Foreign assets. Thouse who had the big old beta of 2016 should actually have most of the assets that are needed. In the PDF are only small changes to 2016. I recommend to disable the platform sound because the sound multiplies like ten times in bigger stations. Disable platform sound: To deactivate the Perron sound of the SimTrain - SBB Route 1 platforms, the file "LargePlatform.dav" can be moved to a subfolder. This can be named e.g. "No-platform-sound". So from here: Assets \ JAW \ addonp \ Audio \ Rail Network \ Platforms \ LargePlatform.dav Move to here: Assets \ JAW \ addonp \ Audio \ Rail Network \ Platforms \ No-platform-sound \ LargePlatform.dav Then empty the cache or delete the Blueprints.pak file (Assets \ JAW \ addonp \ Blueprints.pak). (If the application is running, and with the provider enabled, the TS must be restarted to stop hearing the Perron sound). regards FMZSchotter
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Pour pouvoir joué à ce scénario : -DLC steam : Ligne Basel Bad Bf <> Freibourg Hbf (29,99€ hors réduction): https://store.steampowered.com/app/820200/Train_Simulator_Rhine_Valley_Freiburg__Basel_Route_AddOn/?curator_clanid=958135 -DLC steam : Train Simulator: TGV® Réseau & TGV-RDuplex EMU Add-On (19,00€ hors réduction): https://store.steampowered.com/app/896713/Train_Simulator_TGV_Rseau__TGVRDuplex_EMU_AddOn/?curator_clanid=958135 -Mods Gratuit : Pack Voiture SBB CFF FFS https://railworks-austria.at/index.php/downloads/wagen/download/12-personenwagen/190-sbb-ec-packet
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Pour pouvoir joué à ce scénario : -DLC steam : Ligne Basel Bad Bf <> Freibourg Hbf (29,99€ hors réduction): https://store.steampowered.com/app/820200/Train_Simulator_Rhine_Valley_Freiburg__Basel_Route_AddOn/?curator_clanid=958135 -DLC steam : Ligne LGV Marseille Saint Charle <> Avignon TGV : https://store.steampowered.com/app/376938/Train_Simulator_LGV_Marseille__Avignon_Route_AddOn/?curator_clanid=958135 -Mods gratuit : AGC (BGC, XGC et ZGC) version 4 : https://www.activitysimulatorworld.net/chargements_temporaires_TS20XX/ASW_TX20XX_Chargements_Materiel.html -Mods Gratuit : Pack Voiture SBB CFF FFS https://railworks-austria.at/index.php/downloads/wagen/download/12-personenwagen/190-sbb-ec-packet