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Found 1 result

  1. Version 1.1


    In this update, the Belgian train control system TBL1+/MEMOR has been added to ChrisTrains' BR 186 "Traxx". MEMOR is the predecessor of TBL1+ and works with so-called "crocodiles" that lie between the rails at a signal, for example. TBL1+ was introduced in 2008, and in the meantime is already slowly being replaced by the European ETCS. Today, TBL1+ is present on virtually the entire Belgian rail network. This update has been made by the railsimbelgium.com team. Installation: Install the necessary updates for the Traxx and the Coha BE signaling package (see manual) Download and install the TBL1+ update with the included .exe file Delete the cached files from TS with "Clear cache" Important notices: Testing has shown that the package can cause problems with repaints from the DCR BR 186 Traxx repaint pack. The standard NMBS/NS Traxx from ChrisTrains work fine. This is being worked on by the DCR team Please read the manual thoroughly! TBL1+ seems to be a rather complex system, but in the manual all possible scenarios and required actions are explained For route builders: a manual on how to place the beacons will soon be provided by us or coha.nl in order to guarantee a correct functioning of TBL1+ This update is not (yet) compatible with the "SKTRAINS Belgian signalling pack" Preview: https://youtu.be/XUm6xM7bZCM If you have any questions or comments, feel free to send a PM or leave a message in the comments. Enjoy the update! Thanks to: ChrisTrains, Coha.nl and many others