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Found 4 results

  1. Railway Operating Division NER T2 Reskin View File NER T2 Reskin into ROD Livery (to represent the NER T1s, all of which served with the ROD), and is supplied courtesy of Victory Works. Installing the reskin creates a new addon folder called LNERQ6_ROD which will need to be selected in the scenario editor along with the original LNERQ6. There is an included number list for the loco which goes from 5650-5699 but the number may be changed and it will be automatically sent to the tender. It supports the selection of the visible piston cap with the 5th digit and an optional headcode as the 6th. Being a reskin, the loco will of course require the LNER Q6 (NER T2) Pack from Victory Works, available to purchase on Steam here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/642806/Train_Simulator_LNER_Raven_Q6_Steam_Loco_AddOn/ Submitter sem34090 Submitted 04/02/2019 Category Locomotives à vapeur
  2. Version 1.0.0


    NER T2 Reskin into ROD Livery (to represent the NER T1s, all of which served with the ROD), and is supplied courtesy of Victory Works. Installing the reskin creates a new addon folder called LNERQ6_ROD which will need to be selected in the scenario editor along with the original LNERQ6. There is an included number list for the loco which goes from 5650-5699 but the number may be changed and it will be automatically sent to the tender. It supports the selection of the visible piston cap with the 5th digit and an optional headcode as the 6th. Being a reskin, the loco will of course require the LNER Q6 (NER T2) Pack from Victory Works, available to purchase on Steam here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/642806/Train_Simulator_LNER_Raven_Q6_Steam_Loco_AddOn/
  3. Hello! Some of you may have come across this project on other forums, but I thought it good to post here too given that it involves the replication of parts of France and Belgium. More information on the project can be found here: http://sem34090.simplesite.com/ - sem34090 Post copied from the UKtrainsim forum: Hello all.I was just talking to a friend of mine, and following my finding a rather nice ROD Black reskin for the DT GWR 4300, and we feel that it would be a nice thing to create a Railway Operating Division route, set in France or Belgium behind British lines towards the latter part of the conflict. Right now we have plenty of appropriate British rolling stock to get started with, but perhaps assets are lacking.The first thing to do will be to identify a suitable date and location for the route. We have yet to do this, but I will be looking over some British trench maps in the next few days, and it would be fantastic if someone could suggest a suitable location, based on perhaps the availability of photographs or other information.Another thing to do will be to identify appropriate assets, and potentially to ask if anyone would be willing to create some custom assets. Other things to consider are vehicles and troops - I can't think of any currently available assets for either, though perhaps some existing railwaymen can be reskinned into Khaki uniform. I am hoping that there may be some community support for this project, but I am determined to make a go of it regardless, as I think it would make an interesting, if perhaps morbid in the eyes of some, project and something different. I hope to have more to post soon. The current plan is to be able to release the route completed and available on June 28th 2019, as although we cannot now realistically meet the Armistice centenary on the 11th of this month we can perhaps try and aim for the official ending of the war - the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28th 1919.- sem34090
  4. Vous le savez peut-être (ou peut-être pas d'ailleurs ...), je me suis mis à la création d'un Eurostar/TGV TMST/Class 373, je crée donc ce topic pour en parler plutôt que d'en parler sur celui de la Z7300. Pour ce projet, j'utilise Blender, je n'ai que les week-ends, et encore, cela dépendra des devoirs et resultats :$, donc je ne peux annoncer de date de sortie. État actuel : Exterieur de la motrice et de la première voiture terminé, extérieur des autres voitures en cours de réalisation, aucun intérieur n'est commencé