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About sem34090

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  1. La Grande Guerre Pack Scenario

    Version 1.1.0


    Voici le pack scénario "Grande Guerre" avec, pour le moment, deux scenarios pour la route "Weardale and Teesdale Résau Ferrovière" sur Steam The Great War scenario pack contains , for now, two scenarios for the Weardale and Teesdale Route Network on Steam. Payware necessaire: Weardale & Teesdale Route (https://store.steampowered.com/app/277777/Train_Simulator_Weardale__Teesdale_Network_Route_AddOn/?curator_clanid=958135) VW LNER Q6 (https://store.steampowered.com/app/642806/Train_Simulator_LNER_Raven_Q6_Steam_Loco_AddOn/?curator_clanid=958135) VW LNER J21 (https://steamsoundssupreme.com/lner-j21-pack.html) CW LNER G5 (http://digitaltraction.co.uk/mainsite/products/cw-ner-g5-tank-loco/) DTG Saddletank pack 02 (https://store.steampowered.com/app/275806/040_Saddletank_Pack_2_Addon_Loco/) Freeware necessaire: LNWR Milk Brake (https://members.uktrainsim.com/filelib-info.php?form_fileid=26519) UKTS Wagonpack (https://members.uktrainsim.com/filelib-info.php?form_fileid=27139) Route Backup-The Facit Branch (https://members.uktrainsim.com/filelib-info.php?form_fileid=38152) Ce dernier contient aussi un scénario avec le thème de la Grande Guerre.
  2. Railway Operating Division NER T2 Reskin View File NER T2 Reskin into ROD Livery (to represent the NER T1s, all of which served with the ROD), and is supplied courtesy of Victory Works. Installing the reskin creates a new addon folder called LNERQ6_ROD which will need to be selected in the scenario editor along with the original LNERQ6. There is an included number list for the loco which goes from 5650-5699 but the number may be changed and it will be automatically sent to the tender. It supports the selection of the visible piston cap with the 5th digit and an optional headcode as the 6th. Being a reskin, the loco will of course require the LNER Q6 (NER T2) Pack from Victory Works, available to purchase on Steam here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/642806/Train_Simulator_LNER_Raven_Q6_Steam_Loco_AddOn/ Submitter sem34090 Submitted 04/02/2019 Category Locomotives à vapeur
  3. Version 1.0.0


    NER T2 Reskin into ROD Livery (to represent the NER T1s, all of which served with the ROD), and is supplied courtesy of Victory Works. Installing the reskin creates a new addon folder called LNERQ6_ROD which will need to be selected in the scenario editor along with the original LNERQ6. There is an included number list for the loco which goes from 5650-5699 but the number may be changed and it will be automatically sent to the tender. It supports the selection of the visible piston cap with the 5th digit and an optional headcode as the 6th. Being a reskin, the loco will of course require the LNER Q6 (NER T2) Pack from Victory Works, available to purchase on Steam here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/642806/Train_Simulator_LNER_Raven_Q6_Steam_Loco_AddOn/
  4. A change of plan! But not a cancellation. It is looking increasingly unlikely that I will be able to get the Hazebrouck-based Railway Operating Division route completed by my self-imposed deadline of June 28th (The signing of the Treaty of Versailles) but I am still determined to get a commemorative ROD route produced. I recently purchased Armstrong Powerhouse's 'Wherry Lines' route and it is stunning, truly marvellous. It also happens to be that, according to a few amateur First World War historians that I know, the area of Norfolk modelled on that route rather closely resembles the area of Northern France and Belgium in which the ROD mostly operated. As such I intend to adapt this existing route to reflect one operated by the ROD. Watch this space!
  5. Just a note to say that this project is still very much alive but that my life has been such of late that I've been unable to make any more progress on the route.
  6. Please note - Testing has revealed some issues with the reskin pack that need to be resolved. The download will remain up, but will probably be replaced tomorrow.
  7. Hurrah! Thanks to the fine efforts of Street Level Models, the Ambulance Train reskin pack has just been released and is available for download!It is available here:http://sem34090.simplesite.com/441152272And here:http://www.railsim-fr.com/forum/index.php?/files/file/1474-railway-operating-division-ambulance-train-reskin-pack/Enjoy!
  8. Version 1.0.0


    This reskin was very kindly created for The Railway Operating Division project by Street Level Models/The Condensed Loco Co. It was released on November 11th 2018 – The centenary of the armistice that brought the fighting of the First World War to an end after four years. More about The Railway Operating Division project can be found here: http://sem34090.simplesite.com/ Thank you for downloading our first ROD Reskin Pack! This pack contains: - LMS Period 1 Coaches in WW1 Ambulance Train Livery ................................................................ REQUIREMENTS... To have the reskins working you will require the following add-on: - Digital Traction LMS Compound Version 2 http://digitaltraction.co.uk/mainsite/products/lms-compound-pack/ ................................................................ HOW TO INSTALL ....... Go to... C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks\Assets\DT\DT_LMSCompound\RailVehicles\Passenger And paste in the ‘Ambulance’ folder. After this, copy the appropriate Geopdx files from the ‘DT_LMSCompound\RailVehicles\Passenger\Default\LMS_p1_brake’ and ‘DT_LMSCompound\RailVehicles\Passenger\Default\LMS_p1_third’ folders. Then, paste them in the corresponding folders in the ‘Ambulance’ folder: ‘DT_LMSCompound\RailVehicles\Passenger\Ambulance\LMS_p1_brake’ and ‘DT_LMSCompound\RailVehicles\Passenger\Ambulance\LMS_p1_third’). That should work! ................................................................ If the reskin does not work then please feel free to contact me via the UKtrainsim or RMweb forums. sem34090 ................................................................ COPYRIGHT NOTICE THIS RESKIN BELONGS TO STREET LEVEL MODELS/THE CONDENSED LOCO CO. AND CAN NOT BE EDITED OR REDISTRIBUTED WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION, OBTAINABLE DIRECTLY OR VIA SEM34090.
  9. Thank you to Street Level Models/The Condensed Loco Company for putting together these ambulance coach reskins:
  10. Today is a day of rememberance and commemoration. We remember and honour the dead, this year principally the dead of the First World War. It is this that the project aims to do - to honour the dead - alongside the honouring of those who simply served. It is perhaps worth noting that whilst it is right to honour those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country, it is also right to honour and remember the ordinary - those who simply served. No heroics, no great stories of adventure and bravery, but those who just got on with it, and not just those who died. Many who fought in the First World War survived, many of those with life-changing injuries of both the physical and the mental variety. I also ask, today, that those of you who read this remember those who live today with the physical and mental scars that can result from active military service. This post is also an update to note that, unfortunately, our first Railway Operating Division reskins have not been completed in time for upload today as had been hoped. As it stands, however, they should be done soo and our first ROD reskin will be for a set of fairly generic Ambulance Train coaches.
  11. Thank you! The stretch of line planned stretches across the pre-war Franco-Belgian border, if that's of interest.
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Not relevant to The Railway Operating Division project in particular, but relevant for the pre-grouping train simmer, are our first reskins! Created by sem34090, they depict a basic representation of an LBSCR 5-Plank open wagon in grey with 'LBSC' lettering and an LBSCR Panter Brake Van in the same livery. The 5-plank model is to an SR diagram which was based on an LBSCR diagram, the main difference being the flat-top ends on the SR design as opposed to the rounded ends on the LBSCR design. The brake van uses a model of an LSWR 10ton 'Road Van', which (as best as we can tell) is different from the LBSCR Panter Brake Van in only one detail - the LBSCR van features 'X' shaped bracing on each side of the doors, whilst the LSWR van features '/' shaped bracing. The pack requires the Island Line route (for the 5-plank wagon) and the original Kuju assets pack (for the brake van).
  13. Hello! Some of you may have come across this project on other forums, but I thought it good to post here too given that it involves the replication of parts of France and Belgium. More information on the project can be found here: http://sem34090.simplesite.com/ - sem34090 Post copied from the UKtrainsim forum: Hello all.I was just talking to a friend of mine, and following my finding a rather nice ROD Black reskin for the DT GWR 4300, and we feel that it would be a nice thing to create a Railway Operating Division route, set in France or Belgium behind British lines towards the latter part of the conflict. Right now we have plenty of appropriate British rolling stock to get started with, but perhaps assets are lacking.The first thing to do will be to identify a suitable date and location for the route. We have yet to do this, but I will be looking over some British trench maps in the next few days, and it would be fantastic if someone could suggest a suitable location, based on perhaps the availability of photographs or other information.Another thing to do will be to identify appropriate assets, and potentially to ask if anyone would be willing to create some custom assets. Other things to consider are vehicles and troops - I can't think of any currently available assets for either, though perhaps some existing railwaymen can be reskinned into Khaki uniform. I am hoping that there may be some community support for this project, but I am determined to make a go of it regardless, as I think it would make an interesting, if perhaps morbid in the eyes of some, project and something different. I hope to have more to post soon. The current plan is to be able to release the route completed and available on June 28th 2019, as although we cannot now realistically meet the Armistice centenary on the 11th of this month we can perhaps try and aim for the official ending of the war - the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28th 1919.- sem34090
  14. Hello! Some of you may have seen me on and around other forums, UKtrainsim in particular. I apologise for the fact that my French these days is virtually non-existent, and Google's poor translator should cause me to have some rather amusing posts! Besides access to the downloads library, my reasoning for joining here is that myself and a few friends are embarking on a project to recreate some of the lines operated by the British Railway Operating Division in France and Belgium, as they were in 1918. Feedback here will be every bit as helpful as that received on British forums as we are recreating Europe, not Britain! More information can be found on our UKtrainsim topic, and on our website which can be found here: http://sem34090.simplesite.com Kindest Regards, sem34090