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Les mises à jour de TSW

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Gandalf    2,183

Nouvelle mise à jour en test : 3.5


Quel build number tu as? Ici toujours 49.


Edit: vu, à chaque beta il faut l'activer manuellement.. je pensais qu'une fois abonné à la branche beta, ça se mettait à jour tout seul...

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solon    1,469


Quel build number tu as? Ici toujours 49.


Edit: vu, à chaque beta il faut l'activer manuellement.. je pensais qu'une fois abonné à la branche beta, ça se mettait à jour tout seul...


Effectivement, il faut l'activer (actuellement la [u3.5tb] qui donne la build 50 ).

Edited by solon

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deimos65    7

nouveau test sur la derniere beta avec une toute nouvelle config et bah élevé je suis as 40 as 60 fps suivant les endroits et meme lorsque un train AI passe ( bon la novelle config y est pour beaucoup mais elle est pas prise as fond , wait and see

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Dinosaure    0


Je suis un nouvel utilisateur de TSW. Ou trouve t on le Build number (pour savoir si je suis à jour) ?

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solon    1,469


Je suis un nouvel utilisateur de TSW. Ou trouve t on le Build number (pour savoir si je suis à jour) ?

sur la page d'accueil du jeu en bas à droite. Pour avoir les version beta en cours il faut que tu passes par les propriétés du jeu puis onglet "bêtas" ensuite tu sélectionnes la dernière u3.5tb

Edited by solon

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Gandalf    2,183

Par contre le jeu merde toujours avec les résolutions custom, pénible. J'avais réussi à le faire tourner en 3840x1700, là il est revenu une fois de plus en 1920x1080 alors que dans les settings il y a bien 3840x1700......

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Dinosaure    0

sur la page d'accueil du jeu en bas à droite. Pour avoir les version beta en cours il faut que tu passes par les propriétés du jeu puis onglet "bêtas" ensuite tu sélectionnes la dernière u3.5tb

Merci j' ai trouvé dans la rubrique paramètres. J' ai le Build number : 46

Je vois que certain ont le n° 49 et même 50

Qu' elle en est la raison?

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Gandalf    2,183

Ca a déjà été expliqué dans ce post... il faut aller dans les propriétés du jeu avec clic droit dessus, puis dans l'onglet Betas.

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jibeh    4,857

Par contre le jeu merde toujours avec les résolutions custom, pénible. J'avais réussi à le faire tourner en 3840x1700, là il est revenu une fois de plus en 1920x1080 alors que dans les settings il y a bien 3840x1700......

Pourquoi ce choix de résolution Gandalf ?

pourquoi pas en 4k ?

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Gandalf    2,183

Parce qu'en 21:9 c'est super bien pour un jeu de ce genre, et que 16:9 sur une télé de 40 pouces à moins d'1m , c'est trop pour le champ visuel vertical :)

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Gandalf    2,183

Mise à jour en build 52 ce matin pour moi, date de 2 jours a priori. Plusieurs des changes étaient déjà listés dans la build 50 par contre, car en fait la 52 est un build de la branche principale, pas une beta.


Load/Save Issues

  • Further work has been done on identifying entities not correctly persisting and restoring state.
  • Identified and fixed the cause of some voice overs occasionally not playing on restore.

  • This build contains the first of our multi-threading improvements. In this build, SimuGraph® will use as many CPU cores as are available, to concurrently evaluate SimuGraph processing on all rail vehicles. This reduces the FPS impact when you sit in a locomotive, and should deliver a greater benefit if more cores are available. We are continuing work in this area.
  • Improvement to non-player train physics performance.
  • Other optimisation improvements, particularly when interacting with the AC4400CW IFDs.
  • Reviewed and corrected lighting setup on rail vehicles.
  • Changed foliage MiP handling to improve the distant view and deliver a performance improvement.

Keyboard Support
  • We have added support for a wide array of International Keyboards.

Rail Vehicles
  • General improvements to the brake pipes.
  • Corrected the Ditch light functionality on the AC4400CW and SD40-2.

  • Fixed an issue that would cause you to Crash to Desktop while attempting to tab a signal in Cumberland Charge. Additional guidance on this scenario is listed under Known Issues.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause you to Crash to Desktop when loading the last save point in Helping Hand.
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent you from completing the Fully Fuelled scenario.

  • Missing coupling audio added.
  • Engine audio improvements.
  • Horn audio improvements.
  • Improvements to the Cab Occlusion system .

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Gandalf    2,183

Mise à jour en build #55 hier, j'avais pas vu :-) C'est une beta, comme d'hab il faut l'activer dans les propriétés du jeu.


New Features

  • You are now able to change the opacity of the centre dot using CTRL + 5 (0%, 50%, 100%).


  • This build contains a number of general optimisation improvements.
  • Optimised concurrency settings to engine audio.
  • Optimised concurrency of audio tracks being played because of running sounds.

Load/Save Issues

  • Fixed an issue where a red stop signal refuses to change on save and reload.
  • Fixed an issue where restarting a scenario after save and reload causes signal priority to fail.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the distance walked and driven to be reset on save and reload.
  • Fixed an issue where objectives would disappear on save-reload while in Service Mode.
  • Fixed an issue where saving a game while in the turntable cabin might result in player going through the roof on reload.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Dispatcher Core to fail on reloading a saved game.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the player to be moved to inappropriate areas when saving near to the rear of a train consist whilst moving forward.
  • Fixed an issue that would render the turntable unusable when saving a game.
  • Fixed an issue where saving while in the turntable cabin causes player to spawn outside when reloading.
  • Fixed an issue where the character position changes on reload using the turntable.
  • Fixed an issue when saving and reloading, the refuelling hose and other objects disappear completely.
  • Fixed an issue where reloading while refuelling causes the hose to revert back to its stand.
  • Fixed an issue where the state of the CutOut switch is not correctly reinstated when loading from a save game.

Rail Vehicles

  • Several general improvements to the braking System.
  • Fixed the chain animation on the SD40-2 so that it now animates in sync with the brake cylinder.
  • The End of Train Device now flashes correctly.
  • Fixed the issue that prevented the AC4400CW from being shut down using the emergency cut-off switch.


  • Adjusted speed limits on two troublesome signals at Sand Patch Summit to resolve a number of speed limit related issues in scenarios.
  • The centre dot no longer reverts when using the map.
  • Addressed the final objectives in Cumberland Charge to improve the flow of the scenario.
  • Fixed the broken consist in Ice and Snow.
  • The Voice Over should now pause when the game is paused.


  • Track joint audio has been improved with additional mixing/filtering as per customer feedback.
  • Dynamic Brake audio has been improved with additional mixing/filtering as per customer feedback.
  • Compressor Pressure Relief Valve audio added to the AC4400CW as per customer feedback.
  • Fixed the road vehicle audio that would continue consuming system resources despite being out of range.

Known Issues

  • There may still be some Save/Load Issues. We are continuing our work in this area and would greatly appreciate additional feedback from you on this.
  • There may still be some issues with vehicle airbrake systems.

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Bonjour a tous,

je voudrai savoir comment a chaque démarrage du PC on peut supprimer la mise a jour , c'est casse pied a la longue et de plus comment le supprimer , j'ai fait le tour de ce jeu et je l'utilise plus .



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gigi1959    1,248



Le désinstaller, c'est bien, ou dans les propriétés du jeu, désactiver la beta.


bouton droit, sur la ligne du jeu dans steam, puis désinstaller............

Edited by gigi1959

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Gandalf    2,183

Test build 4.5 disponible:

New Features
  • Keyboard Remapping is now supported, allowing you to remap keys as you wish.
  • You are now able to change the opacity of the centre dot using CTRL + 5 (0%, 50%, 100%).
  • This build contains a number of general optimisation improvements.
  • Optimised concurrency settings to engine audio.
  • Optimised concurrency of audio tracks being played because of running sounds.
Load/Save Issues
  • All major issues with Load/Save should now be resolved.
Rail Vehicles
  • The air brake system has been extensively overhauled and should now match the real world very closely.
  • Fixed the chain animation on the SD40-2 so that it now animates in sync with the brake cylinder.
  • The End of Train Device now flashes correctly.
  • Fixed the issue that prevented the AC4400CW from being shut down using the emergency cut-off switch.
  • Adjusted speed limits on two troublesome signals at Sand Patch Summit to resolve a number of speed limit related issues in scenarios.
  • The centre dot no longer reverts when using the map.
  • Addressed the final objectives in Cumberland Charge to improve the flow of the scenario.
  • Fixed the broken consist in Ice and Snow.
  • The Voice Over should now pause when the game is paused.
  • Track joint audio has been improved with additional mixing/filtering as per customer feedback.
  • Dynamic Brake audio has been improved with additional mixing/filtering as per customer feedback.
  • Compressor Pressure Relief Valve audio added to the AC4400CW as per customer feedback.
  • Fixed the road vehicle audio that would continue consuming system resources despite being out of range.
Known Issues
  • There are still some very minor, non-game breaking, issues remaining such as rain effects not being saved.

The Train Sim World update is available for you to test on Steam. To subscribe to the Update 4.5 Test Build, follow these instructions:

Subscribing to Test Builds
  1. Load Steam and navigate to your Game Library.
  2. Right-click on Train Sim World: CSX Heavy Haul and select Properties.
  3. Select the Betas Tab and from the drop-down box, select u4.5tb from the list.
  4. Click Close and Steam will automatically begin to download the update.
  5. It’s important that you share your feedback with us, you can do this below on the Steam forums or by submitting tickets to our Support Team.

The Train Sim World Update 4.5 Test Build will be approximately 290 MB in size

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Simulateur    627

Keyboard Remapping is now supported, allowing you to remap keys as you wish.


Enfin !

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La grenouille    3,243



Olivier tu peux pas leur dire qu'on attend l'éditeur :) :) :)




Et moi j'attends que Jibeh me signale que TSW est passé à 7.99€ :P

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Gandalf    2,183

Mise à jour:




  • A large amount of missing Polish translations have been added, along with improvements to some existing translations.


  • Fixes to German, Spanish and Norwegian keyboards to support using the train brakes, AWS and DSD keyboard mappings.
  • Added the ability to toggle Motion Blur on and off with CTRL + F2.


  • Fixed the 'Reach 40mph' objective sometimes failing to trigger in the Station Stopping Tutorial
  • Fixed the 'scenario timing brief' in the HUD outro screen. Before, it would only display each destination and your arrival time. Now, it also shows you the expected due time, so you know where to improve on.
  • Fixed the 'Stop At' markers not appearing in service mode.

BR Class 43 'HST'

  • Fixed graphical glitches on the Mk3 corridor connections.
  • Fixed graphical glitches with train bogies.
  • Improved DSD alarm audio when in an external camera view.

BR Class 166

  • Fixed graphical glitches on train corridor connections.
  • Removed grey cube that was present under each vehicle
  • Improved DSD alarm audio when in an external camera view.

BR Class 66

  • Improved DSD alarm audio when in an external camera view.


  • NPC characters now board and alight trains much smoother.

CSX Heavy Haul


  • Fixed a performance stutter when moving from an internal camera to an external camera, when driving.

This update is around 1.2 GB in size and will download automatically from Steam (note that you may need to restart Steam to kick off the download). If you have any problems/queries with regard to the update, leave a comment below or submit a ticket to our support site where our Support Team will be ready to assist.

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zawal    3,314

Perso à part les bandes noire tout le reste ne fonctionne pas !!!!


Du coup je continu à modifier mon fichier Engine ini -_-


Sans déconner il on vraiment patché le jeu ou c'est du flan ? :huh:<_<


Putain DTG faite un effort merde!! ça pourrait être la meilleur simu de train qu'on ai eu et il gâche tout en sortant un truc pas fini :thumbdown3: ( TS le retours ? :ph34r: )


Mais testez votre produit avant de le vendre bordel :censored2:

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Simulateur    627

il on vraiment patché le jeu ou c'est du flan ?


A priori oui : en explorant les fichiers de config (extraits des archives .pak), on trouve des modifs annoncées dans le patchnote (comme CTRL+F2... qui ne fonctionne pas chez moi et chez pas mal de personnes à en croire le Hub de la communauté sur Steam).

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