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andrea71    77

Des écrans fantastiques, chaque image augmente l'envie de faire un tour, de conduire un tgv, ou un bon fast-foods!

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Il y a 7 heures, andrea71 a dit :

Des écrans fantastiques, chaque image augmente l'envie de faire un tour, de conduire un tgv, ou un bon fast-foods!

Je ne vois pas trop le rapport avec le fast-food... :D

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Sim1149    456

Merci andrea! en effet et j'espère que nous sommes autorisés à avoir de meilleurs modèles de navettes eurostar / le! peut-être un arrêt chez burger king en attendant votre train navette, ou peut-être une barre de chocolat rapide de RELAY en attente à lille :D 

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Sim1149    456

thank you caffeine ! im glad you like it , 

it means a lot and greatly appreciated :D 

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Jael    3


Votre travail est vraiment magnifique ! Sincères félicitations ! 
Bonne continuation pour la suite :).

Meilleures salutations,


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Sim1149    456
8 minutes ago, Jael said:


Votre travail est vraiment magnifique ! Sincères félicitations ! 
Bonne continuation pour la suite :).

Meilleures salutations,


Merci beaucoup pour votre aimable message, heureux que vous l’aimez :D 

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Sim1149    456

Happy feb all ..

moving onto Calais again , heres a few pics of my recent works on the Calais area ( working on the Coquelles terminal and the tunnel entrance ) , a lot left to do and so many smaller details to put in place but thought this was worth sharing since its been a couple of weeks :) 

there's a few complications moving things over to the new system concerning files so works are slow at the moment but its manageable and its still handling the assets well so onwards we go !



Joyeux février à tous.

Rejoindre Calais, voici quelques photos de mes travaux récents sur la région de Calais (travaux sur le terminal de Coquelles et l'entrée du tunnel), il reste encore beaucoup à faire et tant de petits détails à mettre en place mais j'ai pensé que cela valait la peine d'être partagé depuis ça fait quelques semaines :) 



il y a quelques complications pour déplacer les choses vers le nouveau système concernant les fichiers, donc les travaux sont lents pour le moment, mais il est gérable et il gère toujours bien les actifs, alors allons-y!


Screenshot_ASHFORD-LILLE-BRUSSELS ROUTE_51.39297-0.16870_11-01-13.jpg

Screenshot_ASHFORD-LILLE-BRUSSELS ROUTE_51.39428-0.16849_11-24-15.jpg


Screenshot_ASHFORD-LILLE-BRUSSELS ROUTE_51.39517-0.16844_11-24-07.jpg




Screenshot_ASHFORD-LILLE-BRUSSELS ROUTE_51.40308-0.13531_11-13-59.jpg







Screenshot_ASHFORD-LILLE-BRUSSELS ROUTE_51.40762-0.15016_11-10-39.jpg

Edited by Sim1149
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Sim1149    456
7 minutes ago, Caffeine said:

I hope you do regular backups to a safe place.

Wouldn't be nice to loose all this great job done.


 thank you caffeine ! 
Many back ups and constant checking of files has been made haha 

as you’ve probably seen I did accidentally delete the line a few months ago but it gave me the opportunity to make the line better and here we are !


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andrea71    77

tout simplement spectaculaire. Je reprends le post pour une info. J'affirme que l'ancien bâtiment de la gare de Lille a été perdu, exceptionnellement 3dCrafter fait pivoter les polygones sur son axe provoquant une sorte de déformation, ça m'est arrivé avant. Je recommence le bâtiment

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Sim1149    456
4 hours ago, andrea71 said:

tout simplement spectaculaire. Je reprends le post pour une info. J'affirme que l'ancien bâtiment de la gare de Lille a été perdu, exceptionnellement 3dCrafter fait pivoter les polygones sur son axe provoquant une sorte de déformation, ça m'est arrivé avant. Je recommence le bâtiment

Merci Andrea! très apprécié, absolument pas de problème concernant le bâtiment de Lille, prenez votre temps avec la reconstruction car il n'y a pas de délai, etc.

Merci encore !

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Sim1149    456
20 minutes ago, tobiasgg169 said:

that looks amazing :o

keep it up:)

Thank you very much , massively appreciated :D 

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Sim1149    456

Thank you @pierregfor this class 9 even if I am late in discovering it  :wub: 

- just an alert post - moving Ashford way now , the link is on the first page but as Snacc has discovered, I have re-activated my old Ashford Brussels Facebook page and post there in the train sim 2021 Uk routes / designs as frequently as here so more than welcome to check that out.

-have a good weekend everyone (: 


Merci Pierre pour cette class 9 :wub: 

- juste un message d'alerte - se déplaçant vers Ashford maintenant, le lien se trouve sur la première page, mais comme Snacc l'a découvert, j'ai réactivé mon ancienne page Facebook Ashford Brussels et la poste dans le train sim 2021 Uk itinéraires / designs aussi souvent que ici donc plus que bienvenue pour vérifier cela.

-Bon week-end tout le monde (:




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Peter749    3

What trains will you run on the lines outside the tunnel?

The Eurostar repaint is just the DB 407 which does not have any other signalling apart from German

And the TGV/Thalys just has the DTG TVM system


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Sim1149    456
1 hour ago, Peter749 said:

What trains will you run on the lines outside the tunnel?

The Eurostar repaint is just the DB 407 which does not have any other signalling apart from German

And the TGV/Thalys just has the DTG TVM system


Hello Peter !

To answer your first question - simply put , for now there's not much we can do but wait .. the DB407 is the only Eurostar we have and this is just a line i take a lot of pride in ( the Chunnel ) and wanted to bring to train simulator regardless of signalling issues , i will build the line as if we have a fully working Eurostar so that you can one day drive in a class 373 if we ever get one but for now its all about patience and putting up with what we have , you might like to do Le shuttle runs , Class 92 freight runs or albeit .. Eurostar runs. :)


to answer your second question !  , There's plenty of scenarios  you could do I'm sure of it , an SNCF duplex run or InOui orr Ouigo etc etc , if people are ok with me doing so i will extend this line to Paris so it gives more options for the Thalys side of things , of course signalling here isn't an issue other than the Eurostar not being compatible , Ashford to Brussels is V1 , to Paris is V2 , for now I work alone and its a long road ahead 

however saying all of that , I understand my line is more suited for the people with an interest in High speed travel and crossing countries so if this line isn't your cuppa tea , its not your cuppa tea ! and that's perfectly understandable :D 


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Sim1149    456

longgg time, les choses sont lentes pour le moment et j'ai encore beaucoup de choses à faire, donc certainement pas avant un certain temps, mais ce que je dirai, c'est que si à un moment donné je sens que je ne peux pas continuer avec ma ligne ou ça ressemble ça ne sera jamais fini, je vais le remettre ou libérer tout ce que j'ai :) 

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Peter749    3
On 24/03/2021 at 7:16 PM, Sim1149 said:

Hello Peter !

To answer your first question - simply put , for now there's not much we can do but wait .. the DB407 is the only Eurostar we have and this is just a line i take a lot of pride in ( the Chunnel ) and wanted to bring to train simulator regardless of signalling issues , i will build the line as if we have a fully working Eurostar so that you can one day drive in a class 373 if we ever get one but for now its all about patience and putting up with what we have , you might like to do Le shuttle runs , Class 92 freight runs or albeit .. Eurostar runs. :)


to answer your second question !  , There's plenty of scenarios  you could do I'm sure of it , an SNCF duplex run or InOui orr Ouigo etc etc , if people are ok with me doing so i will extend this line to Paris so it gives more options for the Thalys side of things , of course signalling here isn't an issue other than the Eurostar not being compatible , Ashford to Brussels is V1 , to Paris is V2 , for now I work alone and its a long road ahead 

however saying all of that , I understand my line is more suited for the people with an interest in High speed travel and crossing countries so if this line isn't your cuppa tea , its not your cuppa tea ! and that's perfectly understandable :D 


Thanks for the reply.

If you extend beyond Lille towards Belgium there are a number of useful assets available

I recently downloaded from here the District Sud Ost Belgium which has the old classic route from near Halle, south of Brussels, via Ath to Tournai

Your route is looking very interesting :)


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