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Sim1149    456
3 hours ago, Paranier said:

Bonsoir, c'est intéressant tout ça, mais juste, savez vous quand la ligne sera disponible ? Merci encore

Je ne pourrais pas vous dire, comme Yann l'a mentionné, il sortira quand il sera terminé ou je suis heureux de ce que j'ai fait pour le sortir … comme vous tous je préférerais que ce soit le plus tôt possible mais qui sait, certains jours je J'ai hâte d'y arriver et d'autres, je préfère ne pas toucher du tout au simulateur mais ce que je peux vous garantir, c'est que je vous mettrai toujours à jour mes progrès et mes réflexions sur la ligne quand je me sens nécessaire :)


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Sim1149    456

Hello everyone :) 

I've been very busy the last 2 months , working away at Calais and really pushing to finish this area . 

I've decided to update you all on the current condition of Calais . Here you can see the fully re-worked Calais Le shuttle platforms / terminal , I have also completely re-worked the Channel tunnel entrance to improve FPS and just give it a much more realistic look .

I've also left a few 'teasers' if you like of what else I've been up to at Calais and what will be shown of soon 

I'm very very close to finishing Calais in the grand scheme of things and although I want to take this route to Ashford and Brussels , this is ultimately what I wanted and started in 2017 ... a completed line between Folkestone and Calais for Le shuttle trains in the sim so to say I'm proud is an understatement but anyway , I push on with this line as its far from completion and ill be back with big big updates soon.

Thank you very much and let me know what you think as always :)  


Bonjour à tous :) 

J’ai été très occupé ces 2 derniers mois, travaillant à Calais et poussant vraiment pour finir cette zone. 

J’ai décidé de vous mettre à jour tous sur l’état actuel de Calais . Ici vous pouvez voir les plates-formes / terminal de navette Calais Le entièrement re-travaillées, j’ai également complètement re-travaillé l’entrée du tunnel sous la Manche pour améliorer fps et juste lui donner un look beaucoup plus réaliste .

J’ai également laissé quelques « teasers » si vous voulez de ce que j’ai fait d’autre à Calais et de ce qui sera montré bientôt 

Je suis très très proche de terminer Calais dans le grand schéma des choses et bien que je veux prendre cette route vers Ashford et Bruxelles , c’est finalement ce que je voulais et commencé en 2017 ... une ligne terminée entre Folkestone et Calais pour Le trains navette dans la sim donc dire que je suis fier est un euphémisme mais de toute façon , je poussez avec cette ligne car elle est loin d’être terminée et mal être de retour avec de grandes mises à jour bientôt.

Merci beaucoup et faites-moi savoir ce que vous pensez comme toujours :) 


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Sim1149    456
1 hour ago, tobiasgg169 said:

looks amazing  as always:)

Thank you very much !! :) 

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Sim1149    456
15 minutes ago, yann13 said:

Looks really nice! :wub:

Thank you yann as always !!

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andrea71    77

all great! I ask you for information only, if you thought it might be an idea to release the route in portions? For example: if you already had a viable path ready, you could start releasing only that portion that you will then complete with future releases. I am writing this because over the years dedicated to TS (6790 hours since 2014) I have seen many projects start, with many beautiful screens and then shipwreck, even if only for the personal vicissitudes of one or more authors. Even the team in which I work on an Italian route has decided to follow this procedure, which has the advantage of giving something concrete to the players, albeit short. I greet you, dreaming with these magnificent screens!

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Sim1149    456
3 hours ago, andrea71 said:

all great! I ask you for information only, if you thought it might be an idea to release the route in portions? For example: if you already had a viable path ready, you could start releasing only that portion that you will then complete with future releases. I am writing this because over the years dedicated to TS (6790 hours since 2014) I have seen many projects start, with many beautiful screens and then shipwreck, even if only for the personal vicissitudes of one or more authors. Even the team in which I work on an Italian route has decided to follow this procedure, which has the advantage of giving something concrete to the players, albeit short. I greet you, dreaming with these magnificent screens!

Thank you Andrea ! Yes , this has been a thought on my mind for some time as well .

I will take this route as far as I possibly can but only knowing that one day I will have to stop because life will get busier and I wouldn't want to leave everyone wondering what happened to my line . When this day comes I will either find a friendly creator willing to continue my line for me or just release it in its unfinished state . Obviously I would like to build Ashford-Brussels my self but at the moment I don't know what the future holds so I cant promise I will finish this line . The other slight issue is that 30 minutes of my line is spent going through a tunnel which understandably not many people will enjoy driving so I will have to pick wisely what stages I release so that everyone can at least enjoy some aspects of my line . 

But simply put , I absolutely promise you will get this route at some point , it may just be Ashford to Calais to Ashford to Lille but I will make sure i provide something :) 

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andrea71    77

Yes, I see. Regarding this line, The eurotunnel, I have read several times, on various threads, that it is very boring to drive in the tunnel for several minutes. The DVG on the official forums wrote that it was harshly criticized for the release of the London Faversham high speed, also this line with very few stretches in the open and almost all in tunnels. Yet I tell you that I am (as usual) against the tide. I like the simulation as an exact reconstruction of reality and therefore also driving for several minutes in the tunnel. Between us the fastest Eurostar services cover the 50 kilometers of tunnel at 160kmh in 18.25 minutes, so it's only 30 minutes for the slowest services, freight. Of course it is a line that you must like as a basic setting. The gotthardbahn, one of the most characteristic lines for TrainSimulator, has several kilometers in tunnels even if not continuous and with much lower speeds which still bring the amount of time spent in the tunnel, equivalent to a line like the Eurotunnel.

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Sim1149    456
1 hour ago, andrea71 said:

Yes, I see. Regarding this line, The eurotunnel, I have read several times, on various threads, that it is very boring to drive in the tunnel for several minutes. The DVG on the official forums wrote that it was harshly criticized for the release of the London Faversham high speed, also this line with very few stretches in the open and almost all in tunnels. Yet I tell you that I am (as usual) against the tide. I like the simulation as an exact reconstruction of reality and therefore also driving for several minutes in the tunnel. Between us the fastest Eurostar services cover the 50 kilometers of tunnel at 160kmh in 18.25 minutes, so it's only 30 minutes for the slowest services, freight. Of course it is a line that you must like as a basic setting. The gotthardbahn, one of the most characteristic lines for TrainSimulator, has several kilometers in tunnels even if not continuous and with much lower speeds which still bring the amount of time spent in the tunnel, equivalent to a line like the Eurotunnel.

Yes exactly .I know you and  a handful of people ( maybe more than I realise ) would love to see the channel tunnel come to train sim , me being part of this handful it only seemed right I started this project to bring it into the sim. Im amazed at how much support is being shown to this line currently and it reassures me this line will be just as successful as others even with the tunnel in. The chunnel is a marvellous feat of engineering which I cant wait for people to enjoy in this simulator :) 


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Sim1149    456

Hello again, sorry for the massive photo dump :) 

Very surreal today as I finally provide pictures of the Calais area and I can officially say that in terms of scenery and overhead wiring , Calais is complete ! Meaning you can enjoyably drive from Dollands Moor / Folkestone to Calais . Its crazy to think this is what I wanted to build for train sim in 2017 and to finally get to this stage is unbelievable, i appreciate there may be a few things here that arent rue to real life but I have tried my utter best with what I have and I hope its good enough. A small changelog follows.

-updated the whole of Calais Frethun station 

-Updated the whole Channel tunnel entrance 

-overhead wires completed , scenery completed ( signals and signs coming soon )

Huge thank you to @andrea71 for contributing greatly and provide assets to really bring this route to life like the Euro Tunnel logo and Calais canopy's.

Please leave feedback as it helps me to grow and develop this route and thank you for all of the support shown so far . :)  


Bonjour encore, désolé pour le vidage massif de photos  

Très surréaliste aujourd’hui car je fournis enfin des photos de la région de Calais et je peux officiellement dire qu’en termes de décors et de câblage aérien, Calais est complet ! Cela signifie que vous pouvez agréablement conduire de Dollands Moor / Folkestone à Calais. C’est fou de penser que c’est ce que je voulais construire pour train sim en 2017 et arriver enfin à ce stade est incroyable,  J’apprécie qu’il y ait peut-être quelques choses ici qui ne sont pas à la rue de la vraie vie, mais j’ai fait de mon mieux avec ce que j’ai et j’espère que c’est assez bon. Un petit changelog suit.

-mise à jour de l’ensemble de la gare de Calais Frethun

-Mise à jour de toute l’entrée du tunnel sous la Manche 

-fils aériens terminés, décor terminé (signaux et panneaux à venir)

Un grand merci à @andrea71 d’avoir grandement contribué et fourni des atouts pour vraiment donner vie à cette route comme le logo Euro Tunnel et la canopée de Calais.

S’il vous plaît laissez des commentaires car cela m’aide à grandir et à développer cette route et merci pour tout le soutien montré jusqu’à présent. :) 

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Sim1149    456
51 minutes ago, Louis-Vincent said:

Wonderful landscapes ! :wub:

Thank you !! 

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Sim1149    456
2 hours ago, Paranier said:

Joli, remarquable, j'avoue que c'est du travail. Bravo !

merci beaucoup, ça me touche beaucoup :) 

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andrea71    77

A job that has nothing to envy to that done by those who work in add-ons for Train Simulator, indeed, precisely because it was born and built from a passion, it has an even higher value in my opinion. The images are spectacular, they look like photographs taken on the spot.

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Sim1149    456
19 minutes ago, andrea71 said:

A job that has nothing to envy to that done by those who work in add-ons for Train Simulator, indeed, precisely because it was born and built from a passion, it has an even higher value in my opinion. The images are spectacular, they look like photographs taken on the spot.

Thank you very much Andrea . hearing this means a lot . Absolutely  a route that has come about purely because I've always wanted this route in the simulator and thanks to yours and everyone else's support , its a route I can share for everyone else to enjoy also :) 

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snacc    42

It looks absolutely beautiful, Picasso would've been proud of you. Now coming to the Brussels part, are you also going to add that electric gate that open/close when a Eurostar comes/departs?


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Sim1149    456
16 hours ago, snacc said:

It looks absolutely beautiful, Picasso would've been proud of you. Now coming to the Brussels part, are you also going to add that electric gate that open/close when a Eurostar comes/departs?


Haha thank you very much Snacc ! As for the gate , I absolutely will add it in along with other special assets that make Brussels midi , Brussels :) I’ll try to make the gate working in the sense it opens prior to departure / entry but if not , I’ll construct it in an open state so it’s at least there .

Again thank you as always for your kind words !

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Sim1149    456
2 hours ago, andrea71 said:

hello I took the liberty of writing a small article about this work that I published on my add on site for trainSimulator 2021. I don't have a large audience but I'm sure some fans will be interested in the project. You can find it on my website TrainsimItalia.altervista.org

I've just had a read through and I am speechless , thank you Andrea for your contributions and for writing that about the line / even giving it a space on your website , its incredible to me and hugely appreciated :) 

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michel77    50


Vraiment superbe cette réalisation, bon courage pour la suite.

Cela promet une ligne exceptionnelle !


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Sim1149    456
4 hours ago, michel77 said:


Vraiment superbe cette réalisation, bon courage pour la suite.

Cela promet une ligne exceptionnelle !


Salut Michel ! Merci beaucoup pour les gentils mots ! signifie beaucoup ici :) 

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Aleksandar    8
On 1/12/2021 at 0:31 AM, Sim1149 said:


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If I'm not wrong, this track is from London - Faversham route (track rule Kent High Speed) and outside of the tunnel you have track with different track rule, and golden rule in route building is that always use one track rule per route. You can, however, use different track rules only if that tracks do not touch each other (do not converge).

Edited by Aleksandar
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